Sunshine Pygoras Houdini (15-82F)
Houdini less than a year old.
March 2017 with her first kids.
Houdini was one of our first Pygora goats, brought to the farm in 2015 from Sunshine Pygoras in Bellefontaine, Ohio. She was named Houdini as she exhibited quite the skills of an expert escape artist. She is quite fond of scratches and is definitely the queen of the barn. She had her first kids (sire = Norris) in 2017 - triplet bucklings (though unfortunately one did not make it). The other two were beautiful and extremely friendly boys who live in Kentucky at Goats and Cloves.
In 2019 we were shocked when Houdini then had quadruplets (sired by Jet)! One of the quadruplets was grafted onto another doe.
In 2020, due to a jail break, Houdini again had quadruplets. It was a tough labor and two doelings did not survive, but she successfully raised the remaining two bucklings. Wendell is now part of a high school urban agriculture program in Euclid Ohio. And Berry went with a loving family to Pennsylvania.
Houdini again was victim to a jailbreak by Jet and had quintuplets in 2022. One kid did not survive the birth but she successfully raised the other 4 (with some help by bottle feeding). One of her doelings, Merida was retained on the farm. Fergus and Angus now reside in Virginia at Edgeley Farm, while Hazelnut is living it up in Vermont!
Greystone Chocolate Chip (16-59F)
Chip was brought to the farm in 2016 from Greystone Homestead in Marysville, Ohio. She has a beautiful, dark, chocolatey grey fiber and a very lovey personality. Her microns tested the finest of the does in 2018 at 19.6 microns.
In 2019 , Chip had a beautiful set of twins (sired by Jet): one doeling and one buckling. With just a little initial encouragement she ended up being a great first time mom.
In 2020, Chip had a lovely and huge single doeling who has joined some other Grumpy Goats at Goats and Clove Farm in Kentucky. She then had two more solid black twins in 2021.
Grumpy Goat Hermoine
She had another gorgeous set of twins in 2021 - the doeling was sent to Blackberry Blossom Farm in Minnesota, while Sherman the wether went to Edgely Farm in Virginia.
And a third set of twins in 2022. Luta, the doeling, was retained on the farm. Her brother, Mr. Bingo stayed locally at another small farm.
Chip has had 2023 and 2024 off from breeding.
Greystone Screech (16-60F)
Gun Plain Pygoras Jeena (17-16F)
Screech was brought to the farm with Chocolate Chip, from Greystone Homestead. She was named Screech due to her very vocal nature though she has quieted down a bit in her adult years. She is a fairly small caramel pygora, very sweet, with a beautiful lighter grey fiber. Her microns tested at 23.2 in 2018.
In 2019, she had her first kid, a single doeling (sired by Jet) - named Grumpy Goat Petey Valentine. She was an amazing mom - and her kid was up and nursing in 15 minutes all on her own. If only they were all that easy!
In 2020, Screech was again, an excellent mom. This time she had twins; one buckling and one doeling (Jojo Biscuit and Bandit (aka Ginger)).
In 2021 Screech again had twins - both brown caramels. The doeling was retained on the farm (Grumpy Goat Frankie Mittens).
In 2022 and 2023 she had two more sets of twins who moved onto Edgely Farm in Virginia, a small farm in vermont, and Belhouse Farm in Ohio.
Jeena came to us in 2017 from Gun Plains Pygoras in Michigan. She has beautiful white type A fiber - the only type A we currently have. Her fiber had an average micron of 23.1 in 2018.
She was also bred to Jet in 2019 and had a doeling. Unfortunately her doeling did not make it so one of Houdini’s quadruplets was grafted onto Jeena. With some heavy handed encouragement for the first week and a half she turned out to be a good mom.
In 2020 Jeena had a beautiful set of twins: Wilson and Nix. Wilson Has joined Grumpy Goat Wendell at the high school urban agriculture program in Euclid Ohio!
In 2022 she had a single beautiful buckling - Gimli - who now resides at Red Flower Farm, Ohio
And in 2023 had Gus and Luciano, who are now Pygora Ambassadors at the Cleveland Metropark Zoo!
Enchanted Acres Poke-o-Moonshine (16-5F)
Poke came to the farm in June of 2019 along with Marcy, Snowy, and Panther. She is a beautiful and friendly caramel doe originally bred at Enchanted Acres in Johnsville, NY. She has wonderful type B fiber.
Poke was bred for the first time in fall 2020 to our herd sire, Jet. She had a lovely set of twin black doelings and was a great mom.
In 2021 she also had a set of doelings, one solid black and one brown agouti.
In 2022 she had a single large brown agouti buckling.
Enchanted Acres Snowy (16-34F)
Snowy is a white Pygora with white type B fiber. She arrived on the farm in June of 2019 along with Poke, Marcy, and Panther.
Snowy, who was born in 2016, had her first set of twins in 2020, sired by Jet .
2021 twins sired by jet , Phoenix Rising and Alice
2022 twins sired by Nightshade, Macadamia and Truman
Grumpy Goat Phoenix Rising and Alice
Grumpy Goat Macadamia and Truman
Gun Plain Pygoras Keara (18-11F)
Keara joined the farm in 2020 from Gun Plain Pygoras in Michigan . She is a gorgeous girl, with incredible conformation and a luxuriously full fleece. So far we have been unsuccessful at getting her bred. We have tried again for 2024!
Grumpy Goat Puddin’ (20-19F)
Puddin’ was the first kid we decided to retain on the farm. She is a beautiful, stout, caramel doe with type B fiber. She was bred for the first time in 2022 and had a great set of twins, Filbert and Buckley. Her one buckling, Buckley, went on to get Reserve Champion Buck, and Grand Champion Junior Buck at MFF, SAFF, and SVFF that year.
Grumpy Goat Buckley
Grumpy Goat Filbert
Grumpy Goat Frankie Mittens
Grumpy Goat Frankie Mittens
Frankie is the doeling we kept from our 2021 kids. She’s a gorgeous brown caramel doe with a caramelly brown/grey fiber. I anticipate her greying out as she ages but only time will tell. Frankie was Reserve Champion Junior Doe at the 2021 Driftless Fiber Festival, Iowa and had the Reserve Grand Champion Fleece at the 2021 Columbia River Pygora Fleece Show.
She had her first set of kids in 2023 - a set of twins, Ellie and Hamilton.
Grumpy Goat Hamilton
Grumpy Goat Ellie
Grumpy Goat Luta
Grumpy Goat Luta was retained on the farm from the pairing of Greystone Chocolate Chip and Hawks Mountain Ranch Legacy. She has been bred in 2024 to Gun Plain Pygoras Jet.
Gun Plain Pygoras Jet
Jet looking a little more ‘bucky’ in 2018
Jet is a friendly young buckling joining the farm from Gun Plains Pygoras in June of 2017. His has beautiful grey fiber and is looking (and smelling) more and more bucky as the years go on. He had a bit of an adventure in 2018, scaling two different pasture fences in order to get in with the girls, becoming the proud father of 8 kids!
He has continued to prove that , when in rut, he will scale any fence. We now have to move him back to the barn come August if we want to forgo any ‘oops’ babies.
Bohemian Creek Farm Nightshade 16-1M
This boy just moved to the farm in August. He is super stout and very square. We are hoping he will help to pass his sturdy frame onto his offspring. He also has nice coverage of his Grey type B fleece. Nightshade was the 2017 Michigan Fiber Festival Grand Champion Buck, and placed first in his class of senior bucks during the 2021 Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair.
Hawks Mountain Ranch Legacy 15-34M
This boy came to live at the Grumpy Goat in early August of this year. He is extremely well covered with very long White type B fiber (lots of type A characteristics regarding length, luster, and a cooler handle). He also has a pretty epic beard!
Logan came to us with Houdini, from Sunshine Pygoras in Ohio. He is a lovey, feisty, beautiful wether who seems to prove to me the saying that wethers have the best fiber.
Logan was deemed the Grand Champion Wether at the 2021 Michigan Fiber Festival.
His fiber also won Grand Champion at SAFF 2022
Enchanted Acres Panther
Panther, also born in 2016, came to the farm from NY in 2019 with his friends Snowy, Marcy, and Poke. He’s a lanky, loveable pushover who likes scratches and loves grain of any kind and is clearly eating more than his fair share of the hay (because he is a bit of a chunk these days).
Grumpy Goat Theodore
Theo is Frankie Mittens twin, out of a pairing of Greystone Screech and Gun Plain Pygoras Jet.
Theo has traveled a bit in his life, first to Indiana, then to Michigan, and now back to Ohio ( thru no fault of his own). He’s a guy who loves attention and has a gorgeous fiber that straddles between type A and B.
Passed :(
Enchanted Acres Mount Marcy (16-7F)
Marcy was brought to the farm in June, 2019 with Poke, Panther, and Snowy. She is originally from Enchanted Acres in NY and is a lovely brown Agouti with a caramel fleece.
Marcy was bred for the first time in the fall of 2019 to Gun Plain Pygoras Jet. She was an incredible first time mom to twin doelings: one of which has been retained (Grumpy Goat Puddin’).
Marcy was bred to Jet again and had another set of twins in 2021.
She passed later in 2021 - due to bloat :(
Sold Kids - 2019
Valentine - born on 2/14/2019 is a single kid born to Screech and Jet. She’s a strong, healthy kid that every goat owner dreams about - up and nursing on her own within 15 minutes of being born. She is very friendly and has a unique (for us) brown undercoat. Can’t wait to see what her fiber comes in as.
Houdini’s only doeling - born 2/21/2019 - This little girl had to share the womb with 3 bucklings so you know she has spunk. And yes, you heard correctly, Houdini and Jet had quadruplets! She is a beautiful light gray agouti doeling.
Chip’s Doeling - born 3/1/2019 - This little black girl is a twin to first time parents Chocolate Chip and Jet. She was born on 3/1/2019 and was a bit bigger and stronger than her brother from the start. She is the one with the slightly curlier hair.
Jeena’s Doeling - Jeena, as a first time mom, easily had a single little white doeling. Unfortunately, unbeknownced to us, she didn’t allow the doeling to nurse the first night (I take full responsibility for this terrible outcome). We tried to give her strength by helping her feed the next day but we were too late. Jeena is now raising one of Houdini’s quadruplets.
Houdini’s Buckling #1- Born 2/21/2019 - This boy is built like a tank. He has nice stout legs with good confirmation, and is the only of the boys I would really want to leave as a buckling. He was strong from the start. He is one of Houdini and Jet’s quadruplets.
Houdini’s Buckling #2 - Born 2/21/2019 - This is a beautiful all black boy (the only one of Houdini and Jet’s quadruplets that isn’t a Gray Agouti).
Houdini’s Buckling #3 - Born 2/21/2019 - This is the third boy of Houdini and Jets quadruplets. He grew a little slower the first couple days because we grafted him onto our other doe Jeena. He’s growing fast now, and will be a friendly wether from all that initial handling.
Chip’s Buckling - born 3/1/2019 - This little boy, like his twin sister, is solid black. He did need a little boost from some selenium gel as his legs were a little weak for the first couple days but he is looking great and bouncy as ever now.
Sold Kids - 2017
Fred and George Weasley (June 2017)
Fred and George were the kids of Houdini and Norris. They were triplet bucklings (though unfortunately one buckling did not make it). They were super friendly with beautiful white/light gray fiber. They were sold to Busy B Urban Homestead in June 2017.