We have now been keeping bees for about 8 years and are up to 13 hives going into winter. We do plan to do a few more splits and continue to catch swarms - hoping to settle between 15-20 hives yearly. The last couple years we have pulled through winter with only one loss. Fingers crossed this winter will be no different.
We were members of the local beekeeping group - Greater Grand Lake Beekeepers Association - which is a very helpful way to learn from and connect with more experienced, local beekeepers in the area. If you are interested in joining here is a link to their Facebook page: GGLBA.
Our honey is for sale (while supplies last) at the Sidney Farmers Market (from May-October), at the Troy Virtual Market, or from the farm (
1/2 lb - $5
1 lb - $9
2 lbs - $17
We occasionally have ‘hot’ honey available as well.
The honey harvest for our first year beekeeping - 2015